Characteristics of God — a new series

A light breeze touches your face as you walk down the lane after a short rain has refreshed the ground. The light of late afternoon has turned everything into a golden hue, and the scene looks like recalling a memory. You thank God for seemingly small moments like this and for his unique ability to create such things. You feel his presence here.

We can connect with our creator when praying, reading the Bible, or sitting with our church small group. But, we can also see and experience him in every other place and moment. If you’ve been around for a while, you know the value of bringing God into your movement, whether it’s a yoga practice or even a walk. Take a minute to reflect on God’s presence in each part of your day. Where are you noticing him right now? Maybe you don’t sense his presence, and that’s okay. Ask him where he is with you.

A.W. Tozer wrote in The Attributes of God: Deeper into the Father’s Heart, “We wonder why we don’t have faith; the answer is, faith is confidence in the character of God and if we don’t know what kind of God God is, we can’t have faith.”

In our newest series, we at Stand Unshaken are reflecting on the ways in which we each best connect to God, and his characteristics that are most evident to us right now.

Perhaps as we reflect on the ways in which we best connect with God, you’ll also feel moved to reflect on your relationship with the Lord. Which of God’s characteristics comforts you most or helps you feel nearest to him? Let us know in the comments below. We can’t wait to share more with you over the next few months as we appreciate where God is in our lives.


Characteristics of God: Moving my body outside helps me hear from God best


A God who hears and listens