How to Set Yourself Up for a Good Night’s Sleep

I loved sleep. Correction: I idolised sleep. It got to the point where it was unhealthy for me physically and mentally. I used to sleep my days away and feel guilty about all the things I missed during that time. I hated feeling that way because sleep truly is such a beautiful thing. It took a couple of months of me struggling with insomnia to really appreciate sleep and for me to get to a point where the idea of trying to fall asleep didn’t leave me anxious. God had to take something so precious away from me in order to get me to truly value and respect it while implementing healthy boundaries.

During my struggles with insomnia, I did a lot of research on the topic. Youtube videos, books and podcasts helped a bit, but most of my sources discussed the science and the technical aspects of sleep. And here’s the thing, I don’t want sleeping, a natural instinct, to feel like a chore, something I do to avoid burnout. I want to enjoy sleep the way I enjoy a good meal. Now, when you are asleep, you don’t know you are asleep so there really is not much you can do to enjoy it more. However, there are things I do to make the moments leading up to my slumber as pleasurable as possible:


1. Setting the mood

About 60 to 90 minutes before I plan on going to bed I switch off all the major lights in my home. Bright white LED lights supress melatonin, the hormone that signals us to sleep. Instead, I switch on my bedside lamp which lights up my room with a dull orange-red hue. The fact that it is now almost dark in my house also stops me from trying to squeeze in any extra work that honestly, can be left for tomorrow. Sorry Benjamin Franklin. O, and on nights I feel particularly extra, I’ll skip the lamp to save some electricity and light a fragranced candle instead (vanilla is my favourite).


2. Putting my devices to sleep

When I hang out with friends, I put my phone away so that I can give them my full attention. I want them to know I am more interested in them than I am in what is going on on Instagram at that moment. I am more excited to see them than I am to see a new notification pop up. The same goes for my sleep. I want to let the subconscious part of my mind know that I want to go to sleep more than I want to scroll on social media. Work and relationships are important, but so is getting proper rest.


3. Cuddling

I do not have a permanent bed-mate, aka husband yet, so I am left to single spoon it out. Pulling in the duvet up to my chest and getting in a single’s snuggling session really puts me in such a giddy mood. I literally start giggling, because the thing I have anticipated for a few hours now, has finally arrived. I have this big smile on my face because I’m comfortable and cozy, a luxury we easily take for granted.


4. Gratitude

It is so easy for our minds to turn to everything that went wrong during the day and how we can make up for it tomorrow. We ponder about our to-do lists, pending projects or our loved ones and how they need us. And while these things need our attention, in bed is not the time to give it to them. The other pitfall, especially for us ladies, is to dream about the future and practice that bittersweet sin, escapism, trying to avoid our present. But I have been challenging myself to focus on all the things I’m thankful for TODAY. From things like my health and friendships to the chocolate chip cookie I had that day. I thank God for as many things as I can remember and that settles anxieties in my heart.


5. His presence

I take a moment to become aware of God’s presence. There are days where I feel His presence like I feel the sunshine on my skin. But some days are so rushed that I completely forget to take a second to acknowledge His omnipresence. Feeling that, feeling him, puts me a state of rest and security.


Notice that these are inexpensive, if not free, ways to improve your quality of sleep. Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep has negative effects on our health physically and mentally, and it actually causes a decrease in productivity. Sleep is not supposed to be your ultimate desire, but it is precious and needs to be cherished. Find ways to make your sleeping experience as pleasurable as possible by implementing things that are unique to you and your lifestyle. The moments leading up to your slumber is just as important as the slumber itself. It is the only part of the experience you get to control. Maybe reading your Bible, journaling, diffusing some essential oils, singing out loud the song that has been stuck in your head all day. It is a processes and it might take you a while to figure it out through trial and error, but you will get there. And remember practice makes perfect.

What are some ways you get yourself ready for the deep dive into dreamland?


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