Podcast Roundup!

We’ve been on a break from recording the podcast for a few months now, and we’re getting ready to return soon! While you wait, though, we wanted to round up five of our most popular episodes to keep your earbuds and speakers warm.

  1. The Queen of Cozy

    In this episode we discuss one of Alicia’s favorite things ever - hygge (pronounced hoo-gah)! It’s a Danish word meaning comfortable conviviality and encouraging cozy intentionality in daily life. You may have seen this word floating around the internet, but what does it really mean and how can you incorporate it into your daily life? Plus, Alicia shares about the mental health benefits of hygge!

    Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

  2. The Queen of Simplicity

    Alicia might be the Queen of Cozy, but Denika is the Queen of Simplicity! In this episode Den shares what got her interested in pursuing a simpler life, as well as some ways that you can start simplifying your own life. Plus, you’ll get to hear from Alicia on her perspective as someone who doesn’t naturally lean toward a simplified life. (You can check the show notes for more simplicity tips, too!)

    Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

  3. Caveman and Fart Girl - Denika’s Love Story

    The girls are joined by a very special guest for this episode - Denika’s husband, Avery! Alicia asks Den and Avery about how they met, what they’ve learned through their relationship, and gets Denika to share the details about her most embarrassing moment in front of Avery.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

  4. Holding Space & Why Denika Cried Last Week

    In this episode the girls chat about Alicia’s graduation, Denika (finally) running her race, and how to hold space for yourself and your different emotions. They discuss the different layers of holding space and share some examples and suggestions arond what works for them.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

  5. Get Inspired!

    What makes you feel inspired? In episode #26, Denika and Alicia chat about the importance of seeking out inspiration and things that help them stay inspired! They also discuss how to avoid things that will interfere with your inspiration, and share their thoughts on the fact that all of us have the ability and opportunity to inspire those around us.

    Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

These are just a few of the episodes we shared in season one of the podcast, and we can’t wait for season two to launch soon! In the meantime, we’d love to know: what have been your favorite episodes of the pod, and what do you want to see (well, hear) in upcoming episodes? Let us know in the comments below!


For when the holidays are hard


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